News for Parents 2025:
Children’s Church Closed 1st & 5th Sundays
Nursery Closed 5th Sundays, but open to parents who need the space.
Disciple of the Month
The Disciple of the Month is a way to celebrate achievements and contributions of members of PACM Children’s Church and Volunteers.
The Disciple of the Month is meant to promote success in church, at home, at school, as a neighbor and in the community. Discipleship teaches our children to become well-respected citizens as they learn to comfortably balance church in different areas of life. They will be encouraged to show outstanding characteristics both as a Christian and a citizen of the
Each month a Disciple trait will be chosen for them to model. This award is designed to nominate and select a member who promote and take PRIDE in PACM Children’s Ministry and in themselves.
To be considered as Disciple of the Month the candidate must be an active member of Children’s Church. The member will complete a task for each of these five areas,
1. Church
2. Home
2. Home
3. School
4. Help a neighbor
5. Help in their community
They must complete all five tasks before submitting their name. Since we have so many active members and to make it fair, name of those that complete their task will be placed in a drawing for Disciple of the Month. They cannot receive the award more than once within a year. The selected Disciple’s picture and name will be showcased in the hallway during the month of recognition and hopefully on church announcements. They will also be presented a Disciple of the Month certificate.
Disciple Trait of the Month:
APRIL Excellence
MAY Compassion
JUNE Empathy
JULY Peace: Tranquility or peaceableness
AUGUST Patience: Ability to endure
SEPTEMBER Kindness: Benevolence or sweetness
OCTOBER Goodness: Moral excellence
NOVEMBER Faithfulness: Trustworthiness or fidelity
DECEMBER Gentleness: Meekness or mildness
JANUARY Self-control: Temperance or moderation Disciple
Kids Pride Buck Trade-In will be each Sunday.
Bring your Pride Bucks to buy a Prize or save them up to get a bigger prize!!!